Code of Conduct

Perhaps the greatest achievement for any great gaming clan is creating and sustaining a sense of community among the fellow members and leaders. This goal is best achieved when gamers, friends, and clan leaders recognize and embrace their rights and responsibilities. It was with this goal in mind that BG developed these Rights, Responsibilities, and Restrictions for better gaming within our BG community. These principles can serve as an important guidepost for players and members, clan leaders, and non-members and even our ops. 


BG members have the right to:


  1. A responsive and competent gaming community.
  2. Honest, fair, and respectful treatment by our community leaders and members.
  3. Participate in governing the community by attending meetings serving as a proactive member
  4. Participate in tournaments.
  5. Play in a community where the server is maintained according to the rules, rights, and restrictions standards.
  6. Fair treatment regarding game play and other BG obligations, including the opportunity to discuss any unfair BG treatment.
  7. Receive all documents that address, rules, rights, responsibilities, and restrictions governing the BG community upon joining.

BG members have the responsibility to:


  1. Read and comply with the governing documents of the community.
  2. Maintain their account according to established standards.
  3. Treat community leaders honestly and with respect.
  4. Maintain a safe and toxic free environment within any game.
  5. Represent our community as a respectful, fun, care-free, toxic free within any game.
  6. To stand up for other BG members during game play.
  7. Unless provoked, you are responsible for maintaining a respectful and toxic free attitude.
  8. If provoked, you are responsible for talking your shit and backing it up. You may not use language that could get you banned. i.e. racial slurs, discrimination, and/or verbiage that signify any threatening nature. 
  9. Ensure that those who reside within the BG community adhere to all rights, responsibilities, and restrictions. 
  10. You are responsible for reporting any unfair, discriminatory, and/or toxic behavior by other BG members. You have to have evidence i.e. submit a clip through our website for the Clan leaders to review.
  11. You are responsible for being proactive within our servers. If you are inactive this will result in a ban. You are responsible for participating in promoting our BG social accounts, game play, and community conversation. 
  12. You are responsible for representing our community in your socials. i.e. having BG in your bios. Having the logo in your posts. 
  13. Your Clan tag must have BG within the name at all times within any game. No exceptions.

BG members are restricted to the following:


  1. You may not recruit any members on your own. Any players that are interested in joining our community must submit an application through our BG submission form and speak with the Clan leaders.
  2. You are restricted to using hacks or cheats within any game. Using cheats or hacks will result in an immediate ban from our community. 
  3. You are restricted to using inappropriate language towards fellow members and non-members within any game. Unless the ops are provoking. There is a small gray area where you can talk your shit. The following is not allowed
  • Racial slurs
  • Threatening any players or using the R-word, Assault, Murder, etc
  • Gender slurs
  • Sexual harassment
  • Discriminatory language
  • Any type of profiling
  1. You may not cause any drama within our community. Any beef you have with any BG member must be rectified by a 1v1 adult conversation and compromise. You are not allowed to bring the rest of the group to your drama. We are adults. This is a toxic free environment. You must maintain that.
  2. Any players that are mentioned on the BG black list are not allowed to be played with. This is to maintain a safe environment for all members of the community. Any members caught associating with the players on the black list will be subjected to an immediate ban. No exceptions. 
  3. You are restricted to sharing/trading accounts with other players. BG is not responsible for any loss account properties/progress. 
  4. You are restricted to multiclanning. In other words, you can not participate in multiple clans. We are BG, the best of the best. Either you are with us or you are against us. Choose wisely.
  5. Any player under the age of 18 is restricted to our community. 
  6. You are restricted to sharing personal information of other members within our servers. This is to maintain cyber safety for our members. 

10. You are restricted to copyrighting BG on any social platform or making any edits to our logo or brand. You are also restricted to creating your own merchandise using the BG logo/brand on your behalf and benefit. Doing this will result in an immediate ban and legal action will be taken against you immediately. In other words, A FUCKING LAWSUIT. We are trademarked.